We are a Certified Hunger Action Congregation


In 2019 WGPC became a Certified Hunger Action Congregation. This designation by the PC(USA) recognizes the work that we are doing in each of these six areas:

Hunger Alleviation: providing and/or sharing food in a dignified way with an eye to long-term structural solutions. This includes our Give-A-Meal-A-Month ministry, the healthy snacks we provide to the Webster Groves School District, the sandwich ministry for those who are dealing with homelessness, and the meals we pack with Rise Against Hunger.

Development assistance: addressing the root causes of hunger and poverty through equitable and sustainable development. This includes the work that we do with Home Sweet Home to help those who were unhoused, financial support of the Presbyterian Hunger Fund through One Great Hour of Sharing, and the grants we will be making from the Dorothy Meyer gift.

Hunger Education: learning about systemic causes of hunger, leading towards faithful action that is informed and directed by directly affected people and partners. This includes many education hour offerings related to hunger and homelessness, the dinner and lunch that we hosted prepared by local Syrian immigrants and a book study on Waking Up White.

Lifestyle Integrity: adopting sustainable personal and corporate lifestyles to restore justice and protect all of God's creation. This includes being an Earth Care Congregation, providing fair trade coffee, hosting Partners for Just Trade in our building, supporting fair trade sales, using Eco-Palms and many other earth friendly resources, and educating the congregation on environmental issues.

Corporate and Public Policy Witness: advocating and campaigning for changes in policies and practices to end hunger and its causes, promote self-development, and care for creation. This includes efforts by our newly formed Advocacy team to focus on racial equity issues along with hunger and root causes of poverty. We have written letters, participated in marches and joined with other local advocacy groups.

Worship: incorporating prayer, education, and preaching about ending hunger and its causes into worship. Throughout the year we incorporate a variety of topics into worship through prayers, sermons, readings and music.

We seek to live Christ's love, welcome all people and joyfully serve God.