Advocacy Team

"...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8

Our Faith calls us to follow the example of Jesus Christ by acting for social change to promote justice for all God's people. See full Calling Statement.

We act according to Biblical imperatives as we understand them, address issues supported by Presbyterian Church USA and support the priorities of the WGPC Mission Commission.

Our current priorities are Gun Violence Prevention, Voting Rights, and Addressing Systemic Racism. Click below to learn how we educate, act, and advocate on these three priorities as well as other areas we support.


Gun Violence Prevention

WGPC participates in events to educate about gun violence prevention, hosts gun surrender events and encourages all to take steps toward creating a safer community. Read more


Voting Rights

We have the privilege and responsibility to vote and encourage all to be sure you, your loved ones and friends are registered to vote. We work through various means to protect and expand our freedom to vote. Read more


Addressing Systemic Racism

We, as a church, cannot remain silent. Silence has become complicity. We ask for your grace as we move together through the process of educating ourselves and taking action to support our Black neighbors. Read more.


Other Issues the WGPC Advocacy Team Supports

While the Advocacy Team of WGPC focuses on the three areas above, we understand that there are times other issues need to be addressed and that "neither the Church as the body of Christ, nor Christians as individuals, can be neutral or indifferent toward evil in the world." (1958 Statement - PC(USA))

Why We Advocate and How To Advocate

We advocate to protect the rights of people who may otherwise be dismissed or ignored. One way to advocate is to make your voice heard in Jefferson City. WGPC member and State Representative Jo Doll joined us to explain how bills proceed through the legislative process, how you can easily track bills, and how you can submit testimonty. Watch the recording and make your voice heard!

Get Involved!

All are welcome to join us at our monthly Advocacy Team meetings (check back for dates/times)

Would you like to receive our monthly Advocacy Team e-newsletter? Email Julie Burchett.

Contact Julie Burchett if you would like to join the Churches Together for Justice monthly Zoom meetings.

Questions? Contact Julie Burchett or Janice Seele.

March for Our Lives
Stop the Bleed
Stop the Bleed
Gun Sense Event
Gun Sense Event

We seek to live Christ's love, welcome all people and joyfully serve God.