Dorothy Meyer Grant Recipients


In 2019 WGPC's Mission Commission announced awards of special development grants to St. Louis non-profit organizations totaling more than $330,000 to be granted over a three year period.

The grants include four St. Louis non-profits - Fathers and Family Support Center, St. Louis Internship Program, International Institute of St. Louis and Urban Sprouts Child Development Center.

The grants were made possible because of the generosity of church member Dorothy Meyer who at her death split her estate between WGPC and St. Louis University. The church allocated its Mission Commission a portion of the donation for the benefit of St. Louis nonprofits and their service to the community.

These particular grants were given specifically to organizations that provide education or work force development training. The donations are intended to create a pathway out of poverty and support organizations that provide hope and break down systemic poverty.

Fathers & Family Support Center

Meyer Grant awarded to provide support for their Employment Development Mentoring Program for formerly incarcerated people.


Founded in 1997, Fathers & Family Support Center is dedicated to improving the lives of children and families by encouraging committed and responsible parents.

Mission: To foster healthy relationships by strengthening families and communities.

Vision: Every father is a responsible father committed to a cohesive family relationship.

Goal: To break the cycle of poverty, child neglect and abuse, and welfare dependence by educating and preparing fathers to become responsible parents with the financial stability to support their children materially and the parenting skills to support them emotionally and developmentally.

St. Louis Internship Program

Meyer Grant awarded to provide support for 50 community interns working at nonprofit and public organizations (hospitals, police, mayor's office, Mathews Dickey, schools)


St. Louis Internship Program: Providing a world of hope and opportunity through partnerships with underserved youth and businesses, resulting in stronger communities.

  • To provide inspiration, support, professional development, and training to high school students with financial needs so they can obtain valuable internships in professional settings.
  • To provide life skills for our students and alumni through year-round programming to position them for improved educational and, ultimately, full-time employment opportunities.
  • To provide our business partners with access to motivated, well-trained, talented employees, and to foster diversity within the workplace.

International Institute

Meyer Grant to provide continued support for the job placement team amidst funding cuts from the government.


International Institute's Mission: To build a more connected and productive society to benefit immigrants, their families, and the wider community.

Our Workforce Solutions Job Placement team connects our diverse, motivated candidates to a variety of opportunities in the St. Louis Region, from entry level to professional positions within a variety of industries. Our candidates are immigrants and refugees living in the City and County of St. Louis, have diverse backgrounds and educational experiences, and have work authorization. Our screening and referral services are offered at no fee to the employer or the job seeker.

Urban Sprouts

Meyer Grant to provide tuition support for moderate to low income preschool children at the Child Development Center in University City. Of their 124 students, 57% come from low to moderate income families and receive financial assistance.


Mission: Urban Sprouts is a joyful, encouraging, and diverse educational community that honors and empowers every aspect of children's learning. Our goal is to support each child in her or his development as a socially capable, creative, and inspired citizen.

Vision: We envision a community where the ideas of children matter, a society where education is a right, and a world the image of of each child is valued.

We seek to live Christ's love, welcome all people and joyfully serve God.