Upcoming Events

I know that there is nothing better for them than to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live
Ecclesiastes 3:12

There are so many ways to get involved at WGPC! Look below for detailed information on events that are coming up soon, or open our Calendar. Visit our Faith Formation page for news about our youth ministry and Sunday School for children and adults. You can also find announcements in the Sunday bulletin posted on the Online Worship page or sign up for the Friday Flash to get news delivered directly to your inbox.

Faith Formation

At WGPC, we believe that the discipleship journey is lifelong, and we seek to nurture, challenge, and grow each person in their walk with Christ.  We work to engage our intellects as well as our spirits, and we are a church that celebrates questions and lives into mystery together! Visit our Faith Formation page to learn more about all of the classes offered for children, youth and adults.

Pack the Backpacks

Sunday, July 21st following worship
Join the Mission Outreach Commission on Sunday, July 21st to help Pack the Backpacks! We will gather in Fellowship Hall following worship to pack 25 backpacks full of school supplies for high school students served by Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition.

Summer Choir

Sunday, July 21st, 8:45am rehearsal for 9:30am worship
Clean out those vocal pipes and join us for a once-a-summer CHOIR SING. We will meet in the Choir Room at 8:45 am before worship to rehearse easy pieces that we can all learn. NO experience is needed. NO, you do not have to wear a robe – which makes it even better! Contact Shawn Portell 314-962-9210 x3211 for more information.

The Woods Chapel Renovation Project REVEAL!

Sunday, July 21st. 11:15am
The Chapel Renovation Committee which was appointed by Session has been hard at work over the past two plus years. We were charged with coming up with uses for the Chapel which support the mission of WGPC becoming a more open and welcoming congregation for the community in sharing Christ’s love.

Please join us for the Reveal to hear presentations and see the design plans for the Woods Chapel Renovation. You will be able to ask questions of Pastor Ed, our Committee as well as our architects. If you can't join us in-person, watch the livestream here.

Visit Nicaraguan Mission Partners

September 3-11, 2024
Are you interested in education? Sustainable farming? Clean water? Empowerment of women? Global poverty? Examining your perspectives? Coffee!? This trip can offer insights and experiences to help you learn and reflect on all of these! We’re planning a trip to visit our partners in Plan Grande #2 and to see some of the other CEPAD projects that our church supports through our Mission Endowment Funds. Join Harriet Hall and John Hughes September 3-11 as we travel to Managua and then north to the cooler, beautiful mountains where Plan Grande #2 is located. Thanks to the generosity of previous WGPC members, financial support for your trip is available through the Gibbs Adult Mission Endowment. Contact Harriet 314-707-4750 for more information. Deadline to make your commitment is July 31st.

GLPBY Public Witness Team Book Discussion

Thursdays, August 1st, September 5th & October 3rd. 7:00pm Zoom
"Should Christians be politically withdrawn, avoiding participation in politics to maintain their prophetic voice and to keep from being used as political pawns? Or should Christians be actively involved, seeking to utilize political systems to control the levers of power?..."

All are invited to join the Giddings-Lovejoy Public Witness Team discussion of Jesus and the Powers: Christian Political Witness in an Age of Totalitarian Terror and Dysfunctional Democracies by N.T. Wright & Michael F. Bird. Click for more information and to register.

The WGPC Golf League is Back!

Sign up for our co-ed league! Beginners welcome. Keep score if you want. Pick up your ball and move it if you want. The purpose of our golf will be fresh air, fun, and fellowship. We will play through September every other Monday. Tee times begin at 5:00 or so for a 9-hole round at Paradise Valley Golf Club. If YOU are interested in joining us this summer contact Michelle Lepak.

We seek to live Christ's love, welcome all people and joyfully serve God.