Congregational Commitments


As people of faith we often look and find many ways in which the world is out of sync with Jesus' vision. Using our gifts to alleviate suffering and change the world to be a more loving place can't be done single handedly. One of the blessings of being part of the church is dividing the work among the entire faith community to enact Jesus' vision as a congregation.

Below are several ways WGPC joins other churches to make a difference larger than we could do alone. As Presbyterians connecting with others in our denomination we are making a bigger impact. Look below at how your support of the church is spreading the good news!

If there is one ministry that particularly calls you, let us know and we'll get you connected!

Earth Care Congregation

We are an Earth Care Congregation

WGPC is proud to have been approved as an Earth Care Congregation by the PC(USA). To achieve this recognition, our Session committed to the Earth Care Pledge, which challenges us to live in a manner consistent with God’s call not only to care for creation but to commune with creation because of our love for Christ. Please contact our Mission Outreach Coordinator, Beth Kazlauskas, if you have any questions.

Matthew 25
More Light Presbyterians
Presbyterian Hunger Program

We seek to live Christ's love, welcome all people and joyfully serve God.