Children's Ministries

Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.
Matthew 18:4-5

We have a lot of exciting opportunities for children to learn about God, express themselves through music and art, and have fun with other children in a safe and welcoming environment!  To learn more, get in touch with Pastor Ed.

Please complete the '23-'24 Children & Youth Registration Form so we are sure to have the most up to date emergency contact information. Email to Cherstin or drop off in the Faith Formation mailbox.

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Sunday Worship 9:30am

Children of all ages are always welcome in worship. We invite children forward for the Scripture Conversation, when the pastor explains the lesson of the morning. In the Sanctuary, children are welcome in the Pray-Ground up front, where they can worship God through art, books, or simply stretching out and enjoying a rest. We know that our younger friends sometimes need to move a little, and that's okay!

If your child needs a little more space to run around, you're welcome in the Gathering Spot where the service is live-streamed. Here you'll also find a comfy place to sit, books, toys and coffee.

At Webster Pres, you'll see everyone leading worship, including our children. If your child would like to serve in worship leadership, please let Pastor Ed know!


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Sunday School PreK-3rd Grade

During the school year, children will start Sunday mornings in the 9:30am worship service with their families. Following the Scripture Conversation, PreK through 2nd graders will be led to Sunday School where their faith will be nurtured with hands-on lessons, crafts, and games. Children can be picked up from Sunday School in the nursery wing at the conclusion of the worship service. Sunday School will not meet on Communion Sundays so children have the opportunity to regularly experience this important sacrament with their families.

See our '23-'24 Children & Youth Calendar for exact dates.

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Sanctuary Circle 3rd-5th Grade

Introducing Sanctuary Circle where kids 3rd-5th grade learn about various parts of worship and the sanctuary and get to be involved in Sunday morning worship! Contact Patty Mabie for more details.



The church nursery is open from 8:30am until after Sunday School and Adult Education (about 11:45am) each Sunday morning. Our nursery attendant, Anna Stokes, is always excited to welcome new children into the nursery.

We seek to live Christ's love, welcome all people and joyfully serve God.